TORONTO, Feb. 22, 2024 /CNW/ -- GoDaddy's annual international research initiative, Venture Forward, has released its inaugural report revealing the state of Canada's small business landscape. Drawing from data collected from over 770,000 Canadian small businesses, the landmark report offers detailed insights into the opportunities and challenges facing this vital sector of the economy.
The findings, published today, indicate a thriving small business (0-9 employees) ecosystem in Canada, as the proliferation of online tools and services means the required startup capital and educational background required to start a business has never been easier to achieve. GoDaddy's data shows that 58% of online small businesses having been launched with less than $5,000 CAD in initial capital, while only 38% of business owners report completing a college degree showing education level of entrepreneurs doesn't impact their success or satisfaction levels.
Unlocking the economic potential of small businesses
The study also highlights the significant returns on investment for small businesses. More than half of small businesses generate over $2,500 in monthly revenue. Furthermore, one in four Canadian entrepreneurs now manage more than one business, underscoring the significance of small businesses to the national economy.
Navigating economic headwinds
But the broader economic landscape is not without challenges - only 27% of small business owners expressed confidence in the national economy over the next six months. Rising costs in energy (36%), business administration (35%), raw materials (34%), and transport costs (31%) have all been reported to impact their respective bottom lines over the past year.
These challenges have contributed to increased stress levels among small business owners. A startling 44% report experiencing high to maximum levels of stress, anxiety, or burnout, with financial concerns (50%) being the most significant factor, followed by work-life balance (40%) and customer issues (21%) also contributing their levels of stress.
Optimism and growth: The future of Canadian small businesses
In spite of this, Canadian small business owners remain optimistic about the future. An overwhelming 70% express optimism about their business prospects, with almost all (94%), having confidence in their ability to run their businesses.
Moreover, more than a third (35%) plan to hire additional employees in the next 12 months, indicating their commitment to growth and expansion. This underscores the importance of nurturing Canada's small business community, as the prosperity of these businesses contributes to the overall prosperity of their communities.
Young Lee, Canada Market Lead commented: "GoDaddy's Venture Forward data is unique in its ability to capture and analyze small businesses and demonstrates their enormous economic contribution to Canadian life. Despite continued economic headwinds, our data shows that small businesses in Canada are resilient and flourishing. Whilst there is much to be optimistic about, business owners continue to face challenges, most notably in the form of rising costs.
"GoDaddy is determined to support and empower Canadian entrepreneurs by offering affordable and easy to use tools to help small businesses get online and grow."
About Venture Forward
Venture Forward is a multi-year research initiative, which analyses data from over 770,000 Canadian small businesses ? conducted by GoDaddy to quantify the impact of small businesses on the Canadian economy and their local communities. The analysis is complemented by a survey of 4,883 Canadian small business owners conducted in November 2023.
About GoDaddy
GoDaddy helps millions of entrepreneurs globally start, grow, and scale their businesses. People come to GoDaddy to name their idea, build a professional website, attract customers, sell their products and services, and accept payments online and in-person. GoDaddy's easy-to-use tools help small business owners manage everything in one place and its expert guides are available to provide assistance 24/7. To learn more about the company, visit
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