Le Lézard
Subjects: Event, Advisory

Media Advisory: FHLB Dallas and BankPlus Celebrate Future Revitalization Efforts for Historic Lundy House

Representatives from the Federal Home Loan Bank of Dallas and BankPlus will be joined by local dignitaries as they celebrate future revitalization efforts for the Lundy House, funded in part by a $16,000 Partnership Grant Program (PGP) subsidy. The funds will be used for an architectural survey to assist with future renovations to help turn the 150-year-old landmark into a multipurpose community center for the arts.

The media is encouraged to attend the event.

WHAT: Revitalization of the Lundy House

WHEN: 1:30 p.m., Wednesday, December 20, 2023


WHERE: The Lundy House, 106 Depot Street, Lexington, Mississippi, 39095

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