NEW YORK, Nov. 02, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- This news release is being disseminated by Angelo, Gordon & Co., L.P. ("TPG Angelo Gordon")1 in connection with the filing of an early warning report (the "EWR") that amends and supplements the alternative monthly report filed on July 7, 2023 (the "AMR") with respect to the acquisition of common shares ("Shares") of Secure Energy Services Inc. (the "Issuer"), as required by National Instrument 62-103 The Early Warning System and Related Take-Over Bid and Insider Reporting Issues. TPG Angelo Gordon is filing the EWR to disclose a change in a material fact set out in the AMR in connection with the acquisition by TPG Inc. of TPG Angelo Gordon and AG Funds, L.P. completed on November 1, 2023 (the "Transaction"), as further described in Items 2.2 and 7 of the EWR.
Immediately before and after the Transaction, TPG Angelo Gordon, for and on behalf of certain investment funds managed by and/or affiliated with it (collectively, the "AG Funds"), has control and direction over 52,529,667 Shares of the Issuer, representing a security holding percentage of approximately 18.17% of the issued and outstanding Shares of the Issuer.
TPG Angelo Gordon, together with its joint actors, holds control or direction over, and the AG Funds have beneficial ownership of, the Shares of the Issuer in the ordinary course of business, for investment purposes only and not with the purpose of influencing the control or direction of the Issuer. TPG Angelo Gordon, for and on behalf of the AG Funds, may, depending on market and other conditions, or as further circumstances may dictate, from time to time, on an individual or joint basis, increase or decrease their beneficial ownership, control or direction over the Shares of the Issuer through market transactions, private agreements, treasury issuances, options, other convertible securities or otherwise. Except as described herein, TPG Angelo Gordon currently has no other plans or intentions that relate to, or would result in, the matters listed in Item 5 of the EWR. Depending on market conditions, general economic and industry conditions, the Issuer's business and financial condition and/or other relevant factors, TPG Angelo Gordon may develop such plans or intentions in the future.
The EWR will be filed by TPG Angelo Gordon under applicable Canadian securities laws and will be available on SEDAR+ at A copy of the EWR may also be obtained by contacting the media contact set out below. The Issuer's head office is located at 2300, 225 6th Avenue SW, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2P 1N2.
1 On November 1, 2023 TPG Inc. closed its acquisition of Angelo Gordon. As of this date, Angelo Gordon will operate as TPG Angelo Gordon. More details can be found in the press release. TPG Completes Acquisition of Angelo Gordon | Business Wire
Angelo, Gordon & Co., L.P.
245 Park Avenue, 26th Floor
New York, NY 10167
Media Contact
Telephone: 415-743-1550, Email: [email protected]
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