SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 9, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Roberts Law Firm US, PC and NastLaw LLC announce that a proposed settlement has been reached in a class action lawsuit (KPH Healthcare Services, Inc. v. Gilead Sciences, Inc., No. 20-cv-06961-EMC (N.D. Cal.) (coordinated with In re HIV Antitrust Litigation (formerly called Staley v. Gilead Sciences, Inc.), No. 3:19-cv-02573-EMC (N.D. Cal.)). The lawsuit alleges that Gilead engaged in a variety of alleged anticompetitive conduct in violation of federal antitrust laws that caused direct purchasers to pay too much for certain drugs used to treat and prevent HIV (Truvada, Atripla, and their generic equivalents). The Settlement resolves the claims against Gilead; a prior settlement resolved claims against BMS. Gilead denies any wrongdoing. No court or other authority has found that Gilead engaged in any wrongdoing.
The proposed Settlement generally includes entities that purchased Truvada, Atripla, or any of their generic equivalents directly from Gilead or any generic drug manufacturer from February 1, 2018 until September 27, 2022.
Under the Settlement, Gilead will pay $246,750,000 into a Settlement Fund to settle all claims in the lawsuit. If you are a Class Member and want to get paid, you must submit a Claim Form by January 1, 2024, either online at or by mail. If the Court approves the Settlement, claims will be paid after any appeals. Class Counsel will seek reimbursement for litigation costs and expenses, attorneys' fees, and a class representative service award. If approved, these amounts will be paid from the Settlement Fund.
If you are a Class Member, you can write to the Court about what, if anything, you do not like about the Settlement. The deadline to do so is December 28, 2023. Descriptions about the effects of these options and instructions on how to exercise them are available in the detailed notice available at
The Court scheduled a hearing for January 18, 2024 at 1:30 p.m. Pacific Time to consider whether the Settlement and allocations are fair, reasonable, and adequate, as well as any objections and any requests for reimbursement of costs and expenses, attorneys' fees, and a class representative service award. You do not need to attend, but you or your attorney may do so at your own expense. See the detailed notice available at for the hearing location, where to find out if the date or time changes, and what you must do if you or your attorney wish to speak at the hearing.
For more information, visit or call (501) 821-5575.
SOURCE Roberts Law Firm US, PC and NastLaw LLC
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