Le Lézard
Subjects: LBR, AVO


Workers Demand American Automobile Association Get Serious About Bargaining

SAN FRANCISCO, May 1, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Teamsters Local 665 members who work as insurance sales agents at the American Automobile Association of Northern California, Nevada & Utah (AAA-NCNU) overwhelmingly voted down a contract proposal made by the organization.

"These workers voted overwhelmingly to reject this agreement because of the proposed concessions," said Tony Delorio, Local 665 Secretary-Treasurer. "No Teamster working at AAA-NCNU will accept any reduction in compensation in an agreement. AAA needs to make a good-faith proposal that includes an increase in performance compensation, greater job security, and a cost of living adjustment."

AAA will be facing a hearing later this month at the National Labor Relations Board for over a dozen unfair labor practice charges for related to union-busting and bargaining in bad faith. AAA has been gradually eliminating positions and shifting the work to a call center in Utah since workers voted to join Local 665 two years ago. In addition to branch closures and unreasonable contract proposals, AAA-NCNU has stopped all hiring in the bargaining unit and harassed union supporters.

"We're standing strong because we need guarantees on our job security and compensation package," said Clinton Ward, a AAA sales agent and bargaining committee member. "It's time AAA management get serious about bargaining a fair contract."

Teamsters Local 665 represents over 5,000 members throughout the Bay Area in a wide variety of industries. For more information, go to teamsters665.org/.

Matt McQuaid, (202) 624-6877  
[email protected]


SOURCE Teamsters Local 665

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