Le Lézard
Subject: CPG


MISSISSAUGA, ON, May 30, 2022 /CNW/ - After an 8 year investigation into Ontario daycare licensing fraud and corruption, eminent Fraud Investigator Gerry Jutsun has investigated and uncovered a systemic network of the facilitation and issuance of daycare licenses for envelopes of cash bribes.

On May 9, 2014 the Toronto Star published a story on the Fraud Investigator titled "Georgetown daycare owner suing Ontario over 'Gestapo like' inspections". At that time Gerry Jutsun commenced a major public lawsuit against the Liberal government under Premier Kathleen Wynne and Education Minister Liz Sandals. That published article led to a watershed of other fellow daycare owners who contacted him, and expressed the same oppressive and prejudicial actions that were forced on their daycare centres.

This led to over thirty (30) daycare owners expressing the dire consequences they faced at the hands of the Ministry of Education ? Daycare Licensing officials, and which was overseen by Ontario Daycare Director Holly Moran, who reported directly to Education Minister Liz Sandals and Premier Kathleen Wynne. Holly Moran threatened Fraud Investigator Gerry Jutsun with legal actions, if he failed to cease and desist in his fraud investigation into their corruption pyramid. Instead Gerry Jutsun offered a Consent to Judgment for One Million dollars in December 2018; if they could prove that his comprehensive investigative reports were flawed and erroneous. He has never received any response from the preceding and current government to his offer for One Million dollars if he is proved wrong.

With so many fearful and oppressed daycare owners reaching out to the Fraud Investigator, he started questioning if they had been cautioned that they had to pay cash bribes in order to have their daycare licenses issued and renewed. The shocking response was that many daycare owners were in fact cautioned that if they didn't pay the "Rishwat" ? an East Indian term for bribes, they would have their daycare licenses revoked and would be shut down. In fact many were forcefully shut down and had their daycare licenses revoked and daycare assets stolen by government licensing officials and other private daycare participants.

Ms. Ambereen Shahid who owned First Choice Daycare and Montessori located in Brampton, Ontario, was accused of engaging in pedophilia, where she had refused to pay the cash bribes. After the Children's Aid Society (CAS) investigated the false claims, the Ministry of Education revoked her daycare license in January 2014. Her own site supervisor Ms. Lafleur Burgin Francois, had advised her that she must put $5,000 in hundred dollar bills in an "unmarked white envelope" and bury it in the laundry detergent box in her laundry room when the inspectors came. She failed to heed her site supervisors instructions, and refused to do so on the advice of her CPA accountant at MNP Accounting.

The result was daycare Inspectors Mary Velanovski and Kari-Lyn Burkholder entered her daycare to advise her that her daycare operating license was being revoked as a result of Ministry contrived non-compliances. Her perfectly operating daycare license was revoked, forcing the closure and demise of her daycare centre at 305 Charolais boulevard in Brampton. In the end Fraud Investigator Gerry Jutsun bought her daycare center and then had to wait for over a year to get the same license for the same daycare centre.

However a proposed interim purchaser named Ms. Ezeka LaRose who was planning to buy the daycare, had been granted a fully operating daycare license with a perfect score from inspector Mary Velanovski and Licensing Director Sue Ewen, but never having actually bought the daycare centre; and the proposed purchaser was cancelled by Ambereen Shahid when she instead sold her daycare centre to Fraud Investigator Gerry Jutsun.

Upon further questioning of Ezeka LaRose by Fraud Investigator Gerry Jutsun, she disclosed that she had paid five thousand dollars ($5,000) for her daycare license, and wanted a full refund from Gerry Jutsun, since Ambereen Shahid was not handing over her daycare centre to her. He suggested she get her refund from the Ministry of Education Daycare officials, since they had already given her a perfected daycare license without ever buying the daycare centre and he even offered to help recover her lost funds, but she refused to do so. At that time, the normal fee for an Ontario provincial daycare license was $25 with an annual $15 renewal fee.

Now 8 years later and after an exhaustive investigation compiling thousands of pages of incuplatory and indictable evidence against the Wynne Liberal government, and which included alerting and advising the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP), Premier Kathleen Wynne, Education Minister Liz Sandals and Finance Minister Charles Sousa amongst others of the massive frauds; Fraud Investigator Gerry Jutsun is releasing his 6th daycare Investigative Audit Fraud Report (IAFR), and which chronicles the exact modus operandi of how the cash bribes and theft of daycare assets is perpetrated by Liberal Ministry of Education daycare officiates and Liberal politicians amongst others.

His shocking report also includes the names of the daycare inspectors who participated in collecting the cash bribes, and includes names of daycare owners who paid the cash bribes to the government daycare licensing inspectors. The IAFR is part of his multi-volume research and investigation into the massive Liberals Organized Daycare Crime Syndicate as he refers to it, and is the foundation for multiple daycare owner lawsuits currently standing at twelve (12), including Gerry Jutsun's own Tiny Town Daycare lawsuit and his personal lawsuit against the Crown. The growing lawsuits are leveled against the Doug Ford Conservative government, albeit for the crimes of the preceding Liberal government under Kathleen Wynne, Liz Sandals and Charles Sousa et al.

His insightful and detailed reports are being submitted to the Courts under Rule 4.1- Duty of an Expert pursuant to the Rules for Civil Procedure, and available to the public at large as a researched and expert audit investigation for daycare experts and aficionados. His IAFR's support the claims of all aggrieved and victimized daycare owners, which he believes is in excess of one hundred (100+), and occurring from 2013 until 2018. The same corrupt daycare licensing officials are still in power in the current Conservative government.

SOURCE FSI Fraud Security Investigations

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