SAN DIEGO, Jan. 26, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Six members of Health Center Partners of Southern California (HCP) received from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources Services Administration (HRSA), and the Office of Minority Health (OMH) a combined total of more than $1.4 million in supplemental funding through the National Hypertension Control Initiative. The purpose of this funding is to assist health centers in addressing disparities among racial and ethnic minority populations and increase the number of patients diagnosed with hypertension who have controlled blood pressure.
"Racial and ethnic minority populations have experienced worse COVID-19 outcomes, from more hospitalizations to more deaths," said HHS Deputy Assistant Secretary for Minority Health RADM Felicia Collins. "By joining forces with HRSA's Health Center Program and the American Heart Association, we will address long-standing racial and ethnic disparities in blood pressure control that are contributing to the disparate impact of COVID-19 within our communities of color." As another component of the initiative, HRSA and OMH are co-funding the American Heart Association to provide participating HRSA-funded health centers with technical assistance with provider training, patient education, and program evaluation. The three-year project will include the use of self-measured blood pressure (SMBP) technology to increase the number of adult patients with controlled hypertension. SMBP, also known as home blood pressure monitoring, can improve access and quality of care for patients with hypertension while making blood pressure monitoring more convenient.
HRSA-funded health centers play a vital role on the front lines in their communities every day, and even more so during a public health crisis. The Community Health Center Program provides essential services for the nation's most vulnerable and medically underserved population and those who do not have access to quality care. Community Health Centers are uniquely positioned at the forefront of efforts to improve access to high quality health care and reduce disparities in COVID-19 outcomes among racial and ethnic minority communities.
"I congratulate our members for positively contributing to the physical health of their patients by providing assistance to improve blood pressure control," said Henry N. Tuttle, HCP's President and Chief Executive Officer. "Given the association of hypertension with more severe COVID-19 outcomes, this initiative will support the implementation of evidence-based
interventions that improve both cardiovascular health and COVID-19 outcomes for the racial and ethnic minority populations served by our Community Health Center members."
The following Community Health Center Partners' member health centers received funding:
Full list of FY 2021 Supplemental Funding for Hypertension Awards
Health Center Partners of Southern California, a family of companies, includes a 17-membership organization of federally qualified health centers, Indian Health Services Organizations, both urban and sovereign, and Planned Parenthood of the Pacific Southwest, collectively serving 850,000+ patients each year, for 3.6 million patient visits each year, at 160 practice sites across San Diego, Riverside, Imperial counties, with the seventh largest provider group in the region. Read our 2019/2020 Impact Report.
Media Contact: [email protected]
SOURCE Health Center Partners of Southern California
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