Le Lézard
Subjects: CPN, REL, AVO

CatholicVote launches $9.7 million campaign to expose Joe Biden's anti-Catholic record and policies

MADISON, Wis., Sept. 17, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- This week, CatholicVote, a national faith-based advocacy organization, announced it is launching a $9.7 million campaign targeting Catholic voters in key swing states to expose Joe Biden's anti-Catholic record and policy agenda. The organization also announced that it has full time staff in 6 states and over 2,000 community captains representing unique Catholic parishes across these states, and thousands of volunteers. CatholicVote plans to reach over 5 million active Catholics in battleground states during this election cycle.

The campaign features digital advertising, parish-by-parish canvassing and GOTV efforts in 6 states, along with direct mail components. As part of the effort, CatholicVote is releasing a comprehensive report on Joe Biden's decades-long career in public service from a Catholic perspective. The Biden Report for Catholic Voters details where Biden stands today on issues of fundamental importance to Catholics including the sanctity of life, religious liberty, judges, education, the dignity of work, and other core issues. Five million Catholic voters will receive this report including a condensed voter-guide version. The $9.7 million campaign kicked off this week with a $350,000 digital ad buy in Pennsylvania and Michigan.

CatholicVote President Brian Burch commented, "Joe Biden's record makes clear he will not protect our Catholic values or defend our way of life. For Catholics who cherish the Faith and their freedom to live it, a Biden presidency represents an existential threat." Recently Joe Biden has been quoting popes and invoking his faith in an effort to lure religious voters. "Catholics are less focused on Joe Biden's claims about his personal faith, and instead on what his policies would do to the culture, and their freedom to live out their own beliefs," said Burch.

Twenty-three percent of the electorate in 2016 was Catholic. Trump won the Catholic vote 52-45 in 2016, and the winner of the Catholic vote has won every presidential election since 1976, except one.

To view the ad, click here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wVMIhY77VyU&feature=youtu.be

CatholicVote.org is a national faith-based advocacy organization, organized by faithful Catholic laity in full communion with the teachings of the Church, yet does not claim to speak for any individual bishop or the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.

SOURCE CatholicVote

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