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Classified in: Transportation, Health, Business, Covid-19 virus
Subjects: ECO, POL, CFG

Prime Minister announces new support for Canada's fish harvesters

OTTAWA, May 14, 2020 /CNW/ - Canadians working in the fishing industry are feeling the economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. That is why the Government of Canada is taking action to support those workers, who help provide families and communities across the country with high-quality fish and seafood.

The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today announced up to $469.4 million in new measures to support Canada's fish harvesters, who are economically impacted by the pandemic but cannot access existing federal measures. This investment builds on the $62.5 million for the new Canadian Seafood Stabilization Fund announced last month to help Canada's fish and seafood processing sector.

The Government of Canada will:

Additional details on these measures will be made available soon.

The Government of Canada is committed to supporting the resilience of Canada's food system and its workers. We will continue to monitor and respond to the wide-ranging impacts of COVID-19, and take additional actions as needed to protect the health and safety of Canadians, and stabilize the economy.

"Fish harvesters work hard to provide Canadians with nutritious food to put on their tables, and are a vital part of our food supply from coast to coast to coast. This investment will help ease the burden on the people and businesses at the heart of our fishing and seafood industry. We are here to support them."
?The Rt. Hon. Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada

"The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in reduced demand and declining prices for Canadian fish and seafood products, and has had significant impacts on the livelihoods of Canadian fishers. With today's announcement we are making sure fish harvesters can get the support they need in these times of crisis."
?The Hon. Bill Morneau, Minister of Finance

"Canada's fish and seafood harvesters are the driving economic force behind many coastal and rural communities. While hardship and uncertainty are felt across the economy, the fishing sector faces unique challenges that require direct solutions. With this announcement, we are ensuring that Canada's hardworking fish harvesters get the support they need now and into the future."
?The Hon. Bernadette Jordan, Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard

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This document is also available at https://pm.gc.ca/


SOURCE Prime Minister's Office

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