Le Lézard
Subjects: CPN, VET, AVO

Lt. Col. Allen West Has Received Over 100 Endorsements From Key Influencers on His Candidacy for Chairman of the Republican Party of Texas

GARLAND, Texas, Dec. 16, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- Since entering the race to be Chairman of the Republican Party of Texas, Allen West has received support from the former Chairs, Tom Mechler and Cathie Adams as well as the former Vice Chairman David Barton. Additionally, the pro-life hero, Abby Johnson, the Facebook phenomenon, Chad Prather, General Jerry Boykin, Sheriff Bill Waybourn and Vanessa Calloway have all come out to support West.

Leaders from the organizations, Latinos for Trump, Black Voices for Trump, and the Mighty Oaks Warrior Foundation have all come out strongly for Allen West. This is just a snapshot of the dozens of veterans, politicians, key influencers and grassroot leaders across Texas, who are all supporting the West Campaign.

Allen West has been touched by the groundswell of endorsements, "I am deeply humbled by the outpouring of support of my candidacy from leaders across Texas, who understand that the fight is in Texas. I will not let Texas or Texans down. Only by returning to our conservative, constitutional, and pro-life values can we turn back Godless progressive socialism."

If you wish to read the endorsements, or perhaps to endorse Lt. Col. Allen West yourself, click on the link here: https://west4texas.com/endorsements/

Colonel West's full statement can be found here: https://west4texas.com/news/?md_post_type=nooz_release

Learn more about Allen West, his campaign, and how to keep Texas Red by visiting www.west4texas.com.

SOURCE West4Texas

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