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Subject: CPN

Rocky de la Fuente Bets for Job Improvement and Affordable Housing to ?Make NYC Shine Again'

MIAMI, July 25, 2017 /PRNewswire/ --

Elections are around the corner. However, less GOP candidates are standing through the race. The fate of the City of New York relies on an Assembly member from Staten Island, the current NYC Mayor and a businessman from San Diego. Rocky De La Fuente keeps highlighting the importance of affordable housing and job improvement to make New York the City what it used to be. 

The competition stands with two Republican candidates. Nicole Malliotakis, a 36-year-old state Assembly member from Staten Island, with experience in politics and Rocky De La Fuente, a businessman from San Diego who is an entrepreneur that understands management and every requirement that comes along when you build companies from the ground.

Both candidates have different proposals in their government plans, Malliotakis focused on Senior Citizens, Veterans, and Animal Rights. Meanwhile, Rocky De La Fuente has placed homelessness, temporary housing programs, and rehabilitation programs as a priority in his government plan solutions, issues that affect the City of New York and its residents.

Rocky De La Fuente said, "Let's stop our best and brightest workers from leaving New York City, we need to address homelessness and affordable housing with real solutions, we need to make New York City great again."

De La Fuente ran for office with the Democrat party in 2016. In May 2017, he started his campaign to run for NYC Mayor. De La Fuente's campaign team believes he will complete the requirements to continue in the race to be the NYC Mayor.

De La Fuente expresses that "real good solutions are needed, solutions that make sense and benefit our communities and the city as a whole."

About Rocky de La Fuente  

Rocky De La Fuente is a business man that wanted to pursue the American Dream, he has successfully built companies from the ground and overcome any obstacles. "Join Rocky and Let's Save New York Together."

Maribel Zambrana
[email protected]

SOURCE The Office of Rocky de la Fuente

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