NEW YORK, Sept. 18, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Innovative technology and media company zuMedia Inc. announced today that the United States Patent and Trademark Office has granted zuMedia's affiliate Backskin Inc. a patent for its revolutionary BACKSKINTM online advertising technology.
The patent, titled "Systems And Methods For Use Of Digital Underlayment" (US Patent No. 12,093,643) relates to a system which enables any online platform to monetize the space behind member profile pictures. Users of platforms which have licensed the patented technology can earn income by enlisting advertisers to present their message, advertisement or broadcast simply by opting-in to the patented BACKSKIN system.
More specifically, the patent claims of the newly issued patent describe systems and methods for utilizing the underlayment of a webpage for displaying content. This allows an owner of a webpage to utilize underlayment for multiple purposes, including commercial purposes. For example, the owner of a webpage can rent underlayment of that webpage to others for their use.
The patented technology was invented by Phyllis Jager, Mark Cuban and Barry Terach. "Everyone can benefit from BACKSKIN advertising. Platforms benefit by realizing additional ad revenue. Platform members benefit by having the ability to monetize the media space on their profiles into significant earnings. Advertisers benefit by having the ability to more efficiently spend ad dollars and more effectively target ads to receptive audiences, ensuring better budget allocation and ROI. We believe that this patented technology has the potential to upend the online advertising landscape," said Ms. Jager.
Backskin intends to enforce its patent against infringers.
The BACKSKIN patent was prosecuted by Philip Braginsky of the firm of Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP in consultation with Mark J. Rosenberg, the Chief Legal Officer of zuMedia.
zuMedia Inc. is a groundbreaking technology company that seeks to create ground breaking technologies which can level the playing field for consumers, all with a sense of fun and the goal of allocating a substantial portion of its revenue to support humanitarian causes. In addition to the BACKSKIN technology, zuMedia is the company behind TikTok sensation FatSu. Soon to be released projects include, the goal of which is to change the way consumers buy and sell their homes, and, a platform on which users can debate issues ranging from current events to the best way to clean a dirty pan. zuMedia can be found at For more information, contact Phyllis Jager at [email protected]
SOURCE zuMedia Inc.
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