Dr. Susan Love Foundation to transfer data and findings to continue the work on breast cancer research and other women's health issues.
LOS ANGELES, Nov. 29, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- The 6-year Health of Women (HOW) Study was a first-of-its kind international online study to better understand breast cancer and its underlying cause. The HOW Study® asked health-related questions on topics like family history, reproductive health, diet, and exercise. Over the course of the study, more than 65,000 women participated to help identify how family history, reproductive health, diet and exercise contribute to the cause of breast cancer. Preliminary results from the HOW Study revealed a critical need to address issues often overlooked among those living with metastatic breast cancer (MBC). While industry partners develop treatments that will keep people alive longer, the MBCCD project set out to help them live better. This project documented a full range of collateral damage experienced by those living with MBC and is currently developing a set of recommendations aimed at improving quality of life.
Dr. Jessica Clague DeHart is a molecular cancer epidemiologist, Associate Professor at Claremont Graduate University, and the CEO/Founder of LYTE Foundation. Dr. Clague DeHart has a long history of working with breast cancer advocates and oversees a translational research team focused on comprehensively meeting the needs of the growing and diverse breast cancer community through epidemiologic and interventional investigation, and community-based implementation. Dr. Clague DeHart believes "even the most effective intervention is meaningless if no one will do it." Thus, a major goal of her research is to develop community-based interventions that are not only biologically effective in preventing disease and the collateral damage of treatment, but also feasible for the average person to maintain. The HOW Study and MBCCD project have and will continue to be major catalysts in achieving this goal.
Dr. Clague DeHart also serves on the scientific advisory board of the Dr. Susan Love Foundation for Breast Cancer Research, where she advises on the Love Research Army and conducts research based on data from the HOW Study, MBCCD project and other programs. The transfer of the HOW Study and MBCCD project data and research from the Foundation to Dr. Clague DeHart will further her and her team's impactful research for years to come. "I am honored and humbled to continue this incredible work and to ensure Dr. Susan Love's research legacy lives on," shared Dr. Clague DeHart.
About Dr. Susan Love Foundation for Breast Cancer Research
Dr. Susan Love Foundation for Breast Cancer Research challenges the status quo to end breast cancer and improve the lives of those impacted by it through education and advocacy. The Foundation drives collaborative, cutting-edge research with nontraditional partners, brings to light the collateral damage of treatment and seeks ways to diminish it, and interprets science to empower patients. Fast, flexible, and project-based, the Foundation actively engages the public in scientific research to ensure that it produces accurate and meaningful results. For more information please visit: DrSusanLoveResearch.org
For Media Inquiries:
Christopher Clinton Conway
CEO, Dr. Susan Love Foundation for Breast Cancer Research
[email protected]
SOURCE Dr. Susan Love Foundation for Breast Cancer Research
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