Le Lézard
Subjects: Survey, Economic News/Analysis

KBRA Comments on Monitoring Private Debt and Private Equity Managers' Response to Events in Europe

KBRA releases commentary as we monitor private debt and private equity managers' response to events in Europe. KBRA's Funds and Financial Institutions groups rate many private debt funds, infrastructure funds, private equity funds, and asset managers throughout the world. The recent Russian invasion of Ukraine, sanctions on Russia, commodity market volatility, and deepening supply chain disruptions all have the potential to influence the global flow of money as well as the asset values of funds of all types.

As part of our ongoing portfolio management and monitoring efforts, we conducted a comprehensive survey of 80+ managers, investors, and issuers (representing nearly 200 transactions) to assess the initial impact of recent financial, economic, and supply chain events. Specifically, KBRA posed the following questions to our clients and sponsors:

Key Takeaways From Survey Responses

Ongoing Monitoring

KBRA maintains active surveillance on all investment fund debt and asset manager ratings for the life of each transaction. We continually monitor current events to deepen our understanding of the aforementioned potential credit effects on our rated universe. We will continue to communicate these findings and their potential impact in our rating, surveillance, and research reports as developments unfold.

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About KBRA

KBRA is a full-service credit rating agency registered in the U.S., the EU, and the UK, and is designated to provide structured finance ratings in Canada. KBRA's ratings can be used by investors for regulatory capital purposes in multiple jurisdictions.

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