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Subjects: BFA, CPN, REL, AVO

Pres. Donald Trump to speak on Friday Night at Family Research Council Action's Values Voter Summit 2020

WASHINGTON, Sept. 25, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Family Research Council Action's fifteenth annual Values Voter Summit will continue broadcasting on Friday evening at 8:00 p.m. ET. President Donald Trump is scheduled to speak. Instead of attending in person, this year values voters will join the all-virtual event from their own homes and churches.

Other speakers confirmed for Friday evening include White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, Franklin Graham, Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Jerry Boykin, Ben Watson, Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.), Rep. Mike Johnson (R-La.), former Amb. Ken Blackwell, Carrie Severino, James Robison, Roger Severino, Gary Bauer, Scott Rasmussen, and Pastor Carter Conlon.

This year's summit features a brand-new episode format. These episodes feature roundtable discussions and interviews and have streamed live September 22-25 from 8:00 p.m. Eastern. Additionally, due to the online format, registration is offered at no charge, providing free access to the nightly episodes, as well as the activist training session, which will stream on September 26 from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Eastern.

To attend the virtual event, register here: www.valuesvotersummit.org. For media inquiries, please contact [email protected].

Values Voter Summit 2020 sponsors also include AFA Action, American Values, Truth & Liberty Coalition, Judicial Crisis Network, and Family Research Council. Bott Radio Network is the radio sponsor, and The Christian Post is the first-time media sponsor.

SOURCE Family Research Council Action

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