Le Lézard
Subjects: CPN, AVO, FVT

Republican Nominee for Mayor Pastor Shannon Wright to Hold Press Conference to Outline Plans for Baltimore City

BALTIMORE, Sept. 18, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- On Saturday September 19, 2020, at noon, Republican Nominee for Mayor Pastor Shannon Wright will outline with specificity and particularity her plans to lead Baltimore City. She will detail her plans for:

"The Crime Tax has driven Baltimore City into a downward spiral that only the strong leadership I will provide can fix. At my first outward facing press conference, I will detail how the Crime Tax affects Education and Economic Development. Since they are forever linked. Baltimore cannot have a thriving city when its gross domestic product is crime.

"I will detail how I will seek broad bi-partisan support at the city level, the state level and the federal level to: put in place a higher alcohol tax and reduce significantly the number of liquor stores that infest the city's poorest communities. Work with the police to reform policing by hot spot policing and a focus on deterrence policing. Work to raise the age for dropping out of school, Introduce Behavioral Intervention programs, Work with HUD, the city and investors to eradicate blighted housing. The federal government should beef up the efforts of cabinet- level agencies, particularly the Department of Justice and the Department of Housing and Urban Development, to stem violent crime and drug dealing in the city. Congress should stop funding any effort to defend the 'civil rights' of drug dealers facing eviction from public housing. I will support the Police Commissioner so that he can put a plan place that the metrics show is not working. Close the racial wealth gap in Baltimore.  Enhance the enterprising abilities of the 'squeegee' youth to build cooperative enterprises and businesses," says Wright.

The Press Conference will be at Campaign Headquarters at 729 East Pratt, Baltimore City (suite 850). If you plan on attending please contact Dr. Metzler. ([email protected])


Dr. Christopher Metzler, 305-924-6855

SOURCE Pastor Shannon Wright

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