Le Lézard
Subjects: CPN, AVO

West4Texas: TEXIT Has Proudly Endorsed Lt. Col. Allen West for Chairman of the Republican Party of Texas

GARLAND, Texas, Jan. 21, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- TEXIT, the organization dedicated to bringing Tejanos across Texas out of the Democrat Party and into the conservative movement, has endorsed Lt. Col. Allen West for Chairman of the Republican Party of Texas.

The Chairman of TEXIT, Luis Burrola, stated "We support Lt. Col. Allen West because we believe the vision he has will provide the most opportunity for Tejanos. Additionally, his conservative values and deep faith are most in line with the nature and history of our constitutional republic."

For years Lt. Col. West has recognized that for conservatives to win, they must engage more with ethnic minority voters. "Some of the most faithful, religious, and conservative communities are the fastest growing demographics in America. It is up to the Republican Party to engage with them on shared values and bring them home to the GOP," West stated.

TEXIT's endorsement of Allen West for chairman is just another example that preaching values and actually engaging with communities is how Republicans can expand their reach in Texas. Only by bringing new voters into the Grand Old Party, can Republicans effectively counter the Democrat advances across the state.

Lt. Col. Allen West knows effective, consistent fundraising, determined leadership and a dedicated conservative message is how Republicans can #KeepTexasRed

Colonel West's full statement can be found here: https://west4texas.com/news/md_post_type=nooz_release

Learn more about Allen West, his campaign, and how to keep Texas Red by visiting www.west4texas.com.

SOURCE West4Texas

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