Le Lézard
Subjects: NTA, DEI


An incredible journey across Canada to discover how Indigenous organizations, businesses, programs, and people are thriving in a modern world while holding onto their traditional values.

OTTAWA, ON, May 31, 2023 /CNW/ - InterINDigital announced today that the premier of season 2 of its new and original documentary series, CRAZY LIKE A LYNX, will air on APTN in Ojibwe on Monday June 5th, 2023, at 7pm for the North feeds and on Friday June 9th at 6:30am for the East, HD, and West feeds. The series will play in English on Friday June 9th at 7:30pm for all feeds.

Produced by InterINDigital for APTN, CRAZY LIKE A LYNX takes you behind the scenes for an intimate and entertaining look at some of Canada's most successful and unique Indigenous organizations, businesses, programs, and people. The series follows CSA-nominated host and comedian Don Kelly and his co-host, comedian Dakota Ray Hebert, as they travel across Canada and immerse themselves ? with energy and a sharp sense of humour ? into the lives of Indigenous people who are accomplishing amazing things. From canine training in Gull Lake, Alberta to fire rescue in Rama, Ontario and from Indigenous hot sauce in Vancouver, BC to an Indigenous health care facility in Ottawa, Ontario and many points between, CRAZY LIKE A LYNX provides a personal look at some of the most progressive and successful Canadian restaurants, fashion design houses, tourism outfits, spas and salons and even potato chip makers ? all of which happen to be owned and operated by Indigenous entrepreneurs.

"It's an inspiring documentary series that is both educational and entertaining," says Katery Legault the series producer and co-writer. Legault is also the owner of InterINDigital, a 100% Indigenous-owned Canadian television production company. "When you challenge two comedians to immerse themselves into the day-to-day lives of strangers, the results are always entertaining, but this show delivers more than laughs. It's an opportunity for Canadians to see the incredible work that is being done across the country by Indigenous businesses."

Legault's sentiments are echoed by Don Kelly, series co-host and a well-known name in Canadian entertainment: "It's exciting and inspiring to see Indigenous people leading so many different kinds of enterprises. Dakota and I learned a lot and had a lot of fun working with them. They let us jump right in, which is a real tribute to their hospitality...and patience. Indigenous entrepreneurs and leaders are taking traditional teachings and values and applying them to their life and work."

Learn more about the series here; join the community on FaceBook; and engage with extra content on the series' website.

SOURCE InterINDigital

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