Le Lézard
Classified in: Transportation, Science and technology

Swift ??Navigation ??Recognized ??in ??List ??of ??Top ??50 ??Best ??Places ??to ??Work ??and ??Top ??25 Companies ??for ??Diversity ??in ??Comparably's ??2017 ??Workplace ??Awards

SAN ??FRANCISCO, ??CA--(Marketwired - December 06, 2017) - ?Swift ????Navigation?, ??a ????San ????Francisco-based ????tech ????firm ????building centimeter-accurate ????GPS ????technology ????to ???power ??a ????world ????of ???autonomous ????vehicles, ????today ????announced ??its inclusion ??in ??two ??business ??awards ??from ???Comparably?, ??a ??compensation, ??culture ??and ??career ??monitoring website. ??The ??company ??was ??listed ??#32 ??in ??the ??top ??places ??to ??work, ?????as ??featured ??in ???Business Insider ??as ??well ??as being ??listed ??#21 ??in ??the ??top ??companies ??for ??diversity, ?as featured in USA Today?. ??The ??Top ??50 ??Best ??Places ??to Work ??Award ??is ??the ??most ??prestigious ??of ??the ??business ??awards ??from ??Comparably, ??according ??to ??the company's ??CEO.

"Comparably's ??annual ??Best ??Places ??to ??Work ??list ??represents ??the ??top ??50 ??companies ??among ??thousands ??of U.S. ??businesses. ??This ??prestigious ??award ??showcases ??the ??best ??overall ??company ??cultures ??as ??rated ??by ??their own ??employees," ??said ??Jason ??Nazar, ??CEO ??of ??Comparably.com. ??"Team ??members ??leave ??the ??most comprehensive ??ratings ??and ??reviews ??to ??help ??Comparably ??determine ??the ??most ??in-depth ??and ??accurate account ??of ??the ??best ??places ??to ??work. ??These ??honorees ??stand ??out ??as ??the ??best ??of ??the ??best, ??reflecting ??the ??most stellar ??teams, ??leaders, ??compensation ??and ??benefits."

"Inclusion ??in ??both ??of ??these ??awards ??reaffirms ??Swift's ??culture ??and ??values," ??said ??Timothy ??Harris, ??Co-Founder and ??CEO ??of ??Swift ??Navigation. ??"With ??just ??over ??50 ??team ??members, ??it's ??remarkable ??that ??we ??employ ??people from ??17 ??countries ??around ??the ??globe ??and ??pride ??ourselves ??on ??a ??truly ??diverse ??work ??environment. ??We ??also strive ??to ??create ??the ??best ??work ??atmosphere ??for ??all ??our ??employees ??to ??show ??them ??how ??much ??we ??value ??and appreciate ??them. ??I'm ??thrilled ??to ??have ??confirmation ??from ??the ??team ??that ??the ??feeling ??is ??mutual."

Swift ??Navigation ??employs ??team ??members ??from ??diverse ??countries ??worldwide, ??including ??Australia, Belgium, ??Canada, ??Chile, ??China, ??Finland, ??France, ??India, ??Italy, ??Jordan, ??New ??Zealand, ??Peru, ??Poland, ??South Africa, ??UK, ??USA ??and ??Venezuela.

Comparably's ??Best ??Places ??to ??Work ??list ??is ??influenced ??by ??candid ??answers ??completed ??by ??employees ??about salary ??and ??benefits, ??work-life ??balance, ??work ??environment, ??relationships ??with ??coworkers ??and ??managers, the ??effectiveness ??of ??the ??leadership ??team ??and ??other ??workplace ??issues. ??Swift ??team ??members ??rated ??the company ??highly ??in ??all ??of ??these ??categories ??and ??cited ??Swift's ??Company ??Values, ??transparent communications, ??open ??vacation ??policy, ??salary, ??benefits ??and ??equity, ??frequent ??team ??meals ??and ??fun ??group outings ??and ??the ??ability ??to ??make ??meaningful ??contributions ??in ??the ??workplace ??by ??collaborating ??on ??exciting engineering ??projects ??as ??some ??of ??the ??reasons ??they ??most ??enjoyed ??working ??at ??Swift.


Swift ??Navigation?, ??Inc. ??was ??founded ??in ??2012 ??to ??make ??GPS ??positioning ??technology ??more ??accurate ??and affordable. ??Today, ??Swift ??Navigation ??has ??gained ??a ??reputation ??for ??defining ??a ??new ??category ??of ??GNSS ??systems as ??the ??industry's ??first ??low-cost, ??high ??accuracy ??real-time ??kinematics ??(RTK) ??receiver. ??Its ??GPS ??and ??GNSS positioning ??products ??are ??available ??at ??a ??fraction ??of ??the ??price ??of ??the ??competition ??and ??deliver ??100 ??times better ??accuracy ??than ??the ??GPS ??in ??a ??cell ??phone. ??Swift ??Navigation's ??technology ??benefits ??a ??multitude ??of industries ??and ??applications -- including ??autonomous ??vehicles, ??unmanned ??aerial ??vehicles ??(UAVs), ??precision agriculture, ??robotics, ??surveying ??and ??space. ??With ??its ??innovation ??and ??technology ??honored ??by ???Inc.'s ??2016 and ???Forbes ??2017 ??30 ??Under ??30 ??lists, ??Swift ??Navigation ??is ??enabling ??a ??world ??where ??fields ??farm ??themselves, drones ??fly ??safely ??and ??autonomous ??transportation ??can ??take ??you ??home. ??Learn ??more ??online ??at ???swiftnav.com and ??follow ??Swift ??on ??Twitter ?@Swiftnav

Image Available: http://www.marketwire.com/library/MwGo/2017/12/5/11G148518/Images/award-best-overall-comparably_1000x1000-6509902f63839b0c9ce004646e30cc7d.jpg
Image Available: http://www.marketwire.com/library/MwGo/2017/12/5/11G148518/Images/Best_for_Diversity-0ae3009a075197f6b12f3f8852af0cc0.jpg

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